Sql studio tutorial
Sql studio tutorial

sql studio tutorial

I'm always connected here onto my local machines, just the way I'm doing that. It comes down here with my Connection ID which is a GUID, and my Session ID, so it comes through to show me that, and all the other information. But this shows me what's happening down here with my memory, and again, if I right-click and go into Reports, Standard Reports, and now I can look at the activities: All Blocking Transactions, or Dormant Sessions I'll go to Top Connections, and it pops up the 10 Oldest Connections. So, if I come through and I look at Memory Consumption, here's my top memory consumption, and recall that we're not doing anything, so this is not going to be representative of a standard database that we're actually coming through and doing work on. If I right-click again, and, again, go down to Reports, now I can go into Standard Reports and, you see, I have a lot of them. So, here's my Server Dashboard, and as you can see, if I move it on down, I have a number of different information and I'm really not doing anything on this server, so there's nothing much going on of interest here, it's just to show you that I do have this Server Dashboard. So what? Well, because it is an rdl extension, I can export it and import it into a number of other applications that support rdl, such as: if I have Sharepoint, and I want to create some kind of a Management Dashboard in Sharepoint, off of rdl type reports, within Sharepoint, I can go in and add rdl's into a Sharepoint web page and display them like that.

sql studio tutorial

rdl extension, and that means it's a XML Schema that is used by reporting services. So this is a handy little report all of these reports have the. So, up here, on the instances, I'm looking at my default instance, and I'm going to right-click in there, drill down and look at Reports, and what I'm going to look at, let's look at the Servers Dashboard report. Now, there's a number of tools that we look at perhaps one of the coolest is the concept of doing reports. And now, SQL Server Management Studio opens, and I want to connect into my default instance, and I'll just select "Connect".

#Sql studio tutorial windows

If you don't have it pinned, I just hit the Windows key, you'll just type SQL Server, and then, over here, we'll right-click it, and we'll say "run as administrator". If you encounter that, you want to do what I'm doing right here, and then right-click it again and run as administrator. Sometimes, depending on the permissions of the account that you have logged into, you will be prevented, in SQL Server Management Studio, from doing certain actions, even though you are an administrator. So, if you remember, I pinned SQL Server Management Studio to my taskbar, it's right down here, and I want to show you something you're going to right-click on it, and then I've got a number of options. Let's take a look at SQL Server Management Studio, which is a tool that DBAs spend a lot of time in.

Sql studio tutorial